Custom Query (84 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 84)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#18 invalid Mobs don't path properly over slabs jonathan jonathan

This isn't just slabs, I've also noticed them hopping like idiots on-top of shielded redstone wire. It's probably any non-opaque block, which by the Hydrazine engine is conflated to be fuzzy earth (sort-of solid) and as such is flagged as risky in lieu of passable due to its collision bounds being unclear (apart from doing CPU-intensive collision bounds computations on the block).

One probable fix is to specifically detect collision bounds on a block iff it is determined to be fuzzy earth and then mark it as wind (open / air) iff the top of the combined collision bounds is <= 0.5 of a block. This should account for most blocks.

#8 fixed Mobs congregate at fence gates jonathan jonathan

This is due to the Hydrazine Boost path-finding AI. Mobs tend to congregate at fence gates, particularly horses. This makes more sense for zombies because they think they can bust open doors (including fence gates), but this does not make any sense for horses.

#43 fixed Mobs breakdance forever on non-solids jonathan jonathan

I noticed the following:

  • A chicken breakdancing on a bed indefinitely
  • A Hollow breakdancing on a stone lantern indefinitely
  • A horse jumping endlessly on top of a tree
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