Custom Query (84 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 84)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#18 invalid Mobs don't path properly over slabs jonathan jonathan

This isn't just slabs, I've also noticed them hopping like idiots on-top of shielded redstone wire. It's probably any non-opaque block, which by the Hydrazine engine is conflated to be fuzzy earth (sort-of solid) and as such is flagged as risky in lieu of passable due to its collision bounds being unclear (apart from doing CPU-intensive collision bounds computations on the block).

One probable fix is to specifically detect collision bounds on a block iff it is determined to be fuzzy earth and then mark it as wind (open / air) iff the top of the combined collision bounds is <= 0.5 of a block. This should account for most blocks.

#59 invalid / , ` and maybe space jonathan indianwells

it seems like olivine and the game does not feel these symbols are compatible for one of both of them. I am not able to get the script upload without a script error. I am looking at the &sapling/dark oak and that is giving me a script error. I get the same issue with the potions that have these symbols.

#82 invalid Leashed Entities Don't Follow Properly jonathan jonathan

The AI for entities to follow via leads / leashes is a complete gong show, the algorithm needs to be completely rewritten from scratch.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.