Custom Query (84 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 84)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#82 invalid Leashed Entities Don't Follow Properly jonathan jonathan

The AI for entities to follow via leads / leashes is a complete gong show, the algorithm needs to be completely rewritten from scratch.

#84 worksforme Emerald ring gives too much speed jonathan anonymous

The emerald ring gives + 0.12 speed, being very useful for getting around. Other items, like the Void Vector or knightly boots, give bonuses to the percentage of speed, like a 25% or a 50% boost in speed. The emerald ring, combined with boosts, can make travelling to far places too easy and cause players to be able to run away from mob fights too easily. this is caused by the player's boosted speed (0.22) and items that give boosts, with a total speed of 0.385 without potions or beacons, nearly quadruple of normal speed (0.10).

#86 fixed Sheep are dying... jonathan jonathan

Sheep wander into the water and get nuked by sharks with lasers, probably should just tell all animals to avoid the water. Also tell them to stay off trees, they keep falling off and killing themselves like idiots.

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