{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (3 matches)

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Mad Martian (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#95 Path-finding is suffering regressions Entity Sub-system defect 3 years ago

Even on a perfectly flat surface with direct, uninhibited line of sight between two points, a pathing mob will stagger and even backtrack on the way. This is ridiculously unnacceptable path-finding behaviour.

This issue was first reported from Minestom

#80 Deploy KeyCloak Infrastructure Infrastructure task 5 years ago


Since someone has been trying to steal the source code from this project since yesterday the time has come to do something about this. And it just so happens that this is precisely what I do in my day job.

The task is to implement this security (Open ID Connect with Two-Factor Authentication and LDAP Identity Fedration) using KeyCloak (I already have experience with it). Here are the necessary steps involved

  1. Apache mod_auth_openidc plug-in (KeyCloak How-To)
  2. Install KeyCloak 10.0.2(download from here)
  3. Configure KeyCloak to run on boot
  4. Reverse proxy setup for KeyCloak
  5. KeyCloak LDAP federated identity plug-in
  6. Setup FreeOTP authenticator in KeyCloak

Server resources are already pretty tight, and KeyCloak is not light-weight at all (it runs on WildFly, the new name for JBoss, which is a cousin to Apache Tomcat, none of which means anything to you does it?). If that's the case then I'll have to revist.

#58 Villager Economy System Blocks and Items enhancement 5 years ago


The purpose of this ticket is to introduce an economy system or manager that alters supply and cost of goods offered by villagers given certain market drivers most typically being demand and sale frequency.

Please discuss this idea here using the comments on this ticket. Think about some of the issues raised by this idea and post your thoughts and ideas about how to handle these here using this ticket.

Supply and Demand Controls

It seems to be agreed that villager offers should be influenced / driven by the frequency an item is bought or sold:

  1. If an item is bought from a villager the cost of that item increases
  2. If an item is sold to a villager the offer amount should decrease

Issues to Consider

  1. When the buy/sell price is altered due to these drivers, should that buy/sell price change for the...
    1. Villager?
    2. Region?
    3. Globally?
  2. What happens when the price gets too high or too low?
  3. What is the definition of too high or too low?

Currency Used

Presently the villagers accept items in exchange for other items, they have no concept of currency.

Issues to Consider

  1. The concept of currency exchange to be abolished, and should villagers just accept whatever coins you have so long as they add-up to the amount desired / needed?
  2. Currency be treated as an entity separate from trading items?

New Trader Entity

Rather than modify the villagers, introduce a new entity type exclusively designed for buying/selling goods using currency instead of in-game items.

Issues to Consider

  1. What do we do with all the villagers then? are they to become technical debt?
  2. What would the new entity look like? should it have any resemblance to villagers?
  3. Isn't this still too redundant? wouldn't it be more sensible to modify the existing villagers?


Not all items are created equal, dirt is literally dirt cheap and diamonds or rhenium ingots are extremely expensive. This implies two things for each item based on its rarity:

  1. A starting / initial cost
  2. The rate of increase / decrease for each item

Issues to Consider

  1. Is the rate of increase / decrease related to the initial cost? or is there any reason they could be independent?
  2. Does the rate of increase / decrease change? or is it fixed based upon rarity?
  3. How are initial values for each item going to be calculated?

Price Point

How should the initial prices be calculated? it seems there are different categories of items and price pointing everything may be unnecessary:

  1. Refuse - Dirt and netherrack probably fall into this category, generally things that have very little use and are abundant
  2. Quest - Items that pertain to quests and should probably never be sold or even exchanged between players
  3. Adventure - Blocks and items that are very focused and specific to mini-games and side-quests such as the construction materials used by towers in the Twilight Forest.
  4. Ingredients - Anything that is an important ingredient for some recipe
  5. Valuable - Anything that can be considered valuable such as gold bars or gem stones
  6. Food - Edible items for sustenance
  7. Tools - Tools for mining or digging etc.
  8. Armaments - Weapons and armor

Issues to Consider

  1. Should everything have a price point?
  2. How is it possible to price point absolutely every item?
  3. Is it possible to price point entire categories instead of price pointing a bazillion items individually?
  4. Should only an initial and small subset of items be made available for sale?

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