Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiStart

03/16/20 05:24:50 (5 years ago)
Mad Martian

Introduce basic installation instructions


  • WikiStart

    v1 v1  
     1= Getting Started =
     2**NOTE:** ''OptiFine'' mod doesn't play nice with the ''Fairy Lights'' mod (it also introduces a number of other glitches).  **Make sure OptiFine is ''unselected'' when you run the game** otherwise your client ''will'' crash.  In the near future OptiFine will be removed from ''MadMartian Mod''.
     4== Prerequisites ==
     5Please make sure you have Java version 8 installed, it must be the 64-bit version as well.  If you already have a newer version of Java installed then you **still must install Java version 8** and there is an extra setup step involved.
     7== Download, Install and Run ==
     81. Download the launcher, try the JAR first, most operating systems let you run this directly.  If that does not work, and if you're on Windows, then download the Zip
     91. Run the launcher by double-clicking it, wait for it to load.
     11If you already have a newer version of Java installed, and if you have finished installing Java 8 alongside the newer version, then complete the following steps in the launcher:
     121.  Click on ''Options''
     131.  In ''JVM path'' enter the path on your hard-drive that points to the installation directory of Java 8
     141.  Click ''OK''