
Version 1 (modified by Mad Martian, 5 years ago) ( diff )

Page introduction, details about initializing Git sub-modules

Developer Runbook (Quick Start and Tips)

This wiki page is intended for mod developers that work with the source code. Assuming you are using IntelliJ IDEA, this documents some additional necessary steps to take above and beyond simply cloning the Git repository and importing it into IntelliJ

Sub-module Initialization

The repository uses a sub-module Hydrazine Path Engine which is not hosted by our repository but is hosted for the public on GitHub here. In order for your local Git clone to be aware of this run the following command from the repository root directory the first time you clone the repository or if you are updating to [6cf515ed3c0aa43abad5bf4e0b6a7aa6e05db650] or later:

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

This will pull the sub-modules from external sources updated to their respective tips.

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