Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of olivine/dsl/attribs/mobs

05/23/20 12:14:22 (5 years ago)
Mad Martian

Add a couple examples


  • olivine/dsl/attribs/mobs

    v1 v2  
    4343 * `invulnerable` - cannot be harmed
    4444 * `benign` - does not attack
     46= Mob Attribute Examples =
     47== Simple ==
     48A very simple example, spawns a mob with a name of "Silly Pants", health of 40 hearts, equipped with a diamond sword and golden helmet:
     51    name → "Silly Pants"
     52    health → 40
     54    equipment → {
     55        hand → item &minecraft:diamond_sword
     56        helmet → item &golden_helmet
     57    }
     61== Comprehensive ==
     62A very comprehensive example demonstrating almost all possible attributes:
     63* Health of 40 hearts
     64* Level 30 XP yield
     65* Runs an Olivine script named "Some other Olivine Script"
     66* Can see up to 30 blocks away
     67* Equipped with a bow and armor, all the armor has projectile protection and unbreaking enchantments:
     68 * Bow enchanted with punch and unbreaking
     69 * Golden helmet
     70 * Chainmail chestplate
     71 * Chainmail leggings
     72 * Iron boots enchanted also with feather falling
     73* Potion effects of speed and regeneration
     74* Facing northward
     75* Does not despawn automatically
     76* 73% chance to drop 2 golden coins, otherwise 27% chance to drop 6 redstone
     77* Riding a skeleton horse with:
     78 * A saddle
     79 * Iron horse armor
     80 * Health of 140 hearts
     81 * And movement speed base of 0.4
     85    health → 40
     86    level → 30
     88    olivine → "Some other Olivine Script"
     90    modifiers → {
     91        owly → { base → 30 }
     92    }
     94    equipment → {
     95        hand → item &bow with {
     96            enchantments → [
     97                { type → punch; level → 1 }
     98                { type → unbreaking; level → 3 }
     99            ]
     100        }
     101        helmet → item &golden_helmet with {
     102            enchantments → [
     103                { type → projectile_protection; level → 4 }
     104                { type → unbreaking; level → 3 }
     105            ]
     106        }
     107        chest → item &chainmail_chestplate with {
     108            enchantments → [
     109                { type → projectile_protection; level → 4 }
     110                { type → unbreaking; level → 3 }
     111            ]
     112        }
     113        leggings → item &chainmail_leggings with {
     114            enchantments → [
     115                { type → projectile_protection; level → 4 }
     116                { type → unbreaking; level → 3 }
     117            ]
     118        }
     119        boots → item &iron_boots with {
     120            enchantments → [
     121                { type → feather_falling; level → chance of 2 .. 4 } @ 70%
     122                { type → projectile_protection; level → 4 }
     123                { type → unbreaking; level → 3 }
     124            ]
     125        }
     126    }
     128    effects → [
     129        { type → speed; amplifier → 1; duration → 5 minutes }
     130        { type → regeneration; amplifier → 2; duration → 3 minutes + 30 seconds }
     131    ]
     133    orientation → < NORTH >
     135    flags → [ permanent ]
     137    drops → [
     138        bundle 2 of item &mmm:gold_coin
     139        bundle 6 of item &redstone @ 27%
     140    ]
     142    riding → mob &Horse with {
     143        saddle → item &saddle
     144        armor → item &iron_horse_armor
     145        type → skeleton
     146        health → 140
     149        modifiers → {
     150            agility → { base → 0.4 }
     151        }
     152    }