Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of tuts/CookingCauldron

01/17/21 13:59:26 (4 years ago)
Mad Martian

Page introduction


  • tuts/CookingCauldron

    v1 v1  
     1= Cooking Cauldron
     2''"Give Steve some coal, he'll eat for a day.  Teach Steve how to make a cooking cauldron and he'll eat for a lifetime"'' - Ancient Minecraft proverb
     4One of the first things you should do, sometimes before you get into a lot of milling of wheat, is to make a cooking cauldron.  These can be used to cook many foods that are also cooked the same way in a regular furnace but with the added benefit of cooking more than one thing at a time.  There are also some exotic dishes that can only be crafted using the cooking cauldron.
     8== Crafting
     9To craft a cooking cauldron you will need 5 iron ingots and a bone:
     13== Placing
     14There are some restrictions and other things to keep in-mind about placing a cooking cauldron:
     151.  Must be placed adjacent to something solid
     161.  Will not function without fire directly beneath it
     171.  Will burn food if not kept filled with water (from a bucket)
     21Use the image above as a guide to place the cauldron:
     221.  Build a tower of two blocks from brick or stone
     231.  Place the cooking cauldron on the ''side'' of the top-most block (we need a space directly beneath the cooking cauldron)
     241.  Place a block of netherrack or wood two blocks beneath the cooking cauldron
     251.  Light the wood on fire using some flint and steel or a fire charge (if you have one this early in the game)
     27Note how the cauldron makes burning sounds, this is because it is not filled with water yet and will burn food if placed inside it:
     281.  Grab a bucket and fill it with water
     291.  Right click the water bucket on the cooking cauldron
     31Now your cooking cauldron is ready to cook food.
     33= Cooking with the Cauldron
     37The cooking cauldron is like any other machine, right-click on it to access the GUI.  There are three things to make note of:
     381.  The cooking progress of the food in the pot
     391.  The ''fire indicator'' indicating if there is fire heating the pot from beneath
     401.  The ''bucket indicator'' which indicates the current water level
     42'''NOTE:''' Keep an eye on the water level, it goes down slowly as the pot cooks from the fire.  If the pot runs dry while food is cooking then your food will burn!
     44Use [wiki:/CraftGuide#MachineRecipes] to find the available cooking cauldron recipes.  Remember, you can cook more than one recipe at a time, just make sure there is enough room for all the ingredients for each recipe including one extra free slot for the product (the cooked food).