Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of tuts/Refractory

01/16/21 11:45:56 (4 years ago)
Mad Martian

Page introduction (in-progress)


  • tuts/Refractory

    v1 v1  
     1= Refractory Furnace Smelting Assembly
     2So you want to smelt metals eh?  Or maybe you just want to get to the steam engine and understand that this is the first step toward that end.  The refractory furnace is a multi-block structure, it requires a minimum of the following:
     3 * At least one ''thermal accelerator'' (is just a fancy-stupid name for a pump that pumps lava)
     4 * At least one ''refractory furnace'', much like the regular furnace
     5 * Piping to connect the two machines
     6 * Redstone power to the ''thermal accelerator''
     10You can make much more complex piping networks than this but we'll save that for another tutorial.  One mineral in particular this assembly uses a lot of is a ruddy mineral called ''bauxite''.
     12== The Refractory Furnace
     16The refractory furnace, much like the regular furnace, is a machine with a GUI that can smelt almost ''anything'' metallic including ores, tools, and armor.  This is particularly useful for armor since monsters drop damaged metal armor all the time, and if you have a refractory furnace already up and running this saves you the trouble of mining new ores if you have a steady supply of metal coming from melting down damaged mob armor.
     18=== Crafting
     19Crafting the refractory furnace is just like crafting the regular furnace but with an exotic and ruddy mineral called ''bauxite''
     23== The Thermal Accelerator
     27The thermal accelerator is a pump that pumps lava through pipes to the refractory furnace.  Here's some requirements to keep in mind about it:
     281. To operate, it must be placed adjacent to at least one block of still or flowing lava (still is better)
     291. Cannot be placed on-top of anything other than a solid foundation; typically some kind of stone, brick or ore
     301. It must be powered by redstone power before it will actually pump lava
     311. It only pumps lava through connected ''bauxite'' pipes
     33To power it with redstone you can put it next to a block that is powered by redstone or run the redstone directly into the thermal accelerator.  The simplest design is to put a block next to the thermal accelerator with a lever on it (as depicted above).  Redstone design is beyond the scope of this tutorial, so we won't be mentioning redstone anymore in this tutorial.
     35=== Crafting
     36Crafting a thermal accelerator is laborious and a bit expensive, it involves bauxite, molybdenum, rhenium, and blaze rods (that last one requires hunting for ''blaze'' monsters in the ''Nether'').  The first thing you should do is make sure you have some rhenium and molybdenum ore and smelt it in a regular furnace.
     38'''NOTE:''' Rhenium is rare and looks a lot like molybdenum ore but requires a '''diamond pickaxe''' as a minimum to mine.  You can find rhenium ore hosted within clusters and veins of molybdenum ore.  If you try to mine it with anything else it will break and you'll lose a very precious and essential mineral.  So to keep on the safe side, always mine molybdenum ore with a diamond pickaxe even though you can use an iron one.
     40==== The Blaze-Infused Rhenium Catalyst
     41Once you have the rhenium ore, have smelted it, then you need to go to the Nether and collect some blaze rods.  Assuming you've done that, craft 8 blaze powder from your rods and then surround a single ingot of rhenium metal with it to make a ''blaze-infused rhenium catalyst'':
     45==== The Pump Itself
     46Now to complete crafting the thermal accelerator you'll need:
     47* 6 bauxite
     48* 2 molybdenum metal ingot
     49* 1 blaze-infused rhenium catalyst (see above)
     53== Piping
     54To finish-up our refractor furnace smelting assembly we need to connect the thermal accelerator to the refractory furnace.  The pipes are made from ''bauxite clay'', and although there are four different types of pipe configurations you could make, we will be crafting just corner and straight bauxite pipes.
     56=== Bauxite Clay
     571.  Assuming you already have a [[Quern]] and know how to operate it, take some bauxite and grind it up in the quern to make ''bauxite powder'' (make a lot of it, at least 4 stacks, you'll need more for later anyway).
     581.  Now craft ''bauxite clay'' from the powder with bottles of water.  Surround a stack of bottles of water with the powder as depicted below:
     62=== Straight Pipes
     63Use the bauxite clay to make a few straight bauxite clay pipes in a horizontal configuration in your crafting matrix as depicted:
     67=== Corner Pipe
     68Use the bauxite clay to make a corner bauxite clay pipe as depicted:
     72=== Pipe Wrench
     73There's one more thing to craft, it's a reusable tool and not an ingredient.  The pipe wrench is used to rotate pipes around after you place them in-case they are oriented the wrong way.  Craft one of these using:
     74* 2 iron ingots
     75* 3 sticks
     79== Putting it All Together
     80Now we put the entire assembly together (this is the fun part).
     811. Review the requirements for a thermal accelerator and place it in or next to some lava / magma.
     821. Place a block next to the thermal accelerator with a lever on it
     831. Place the refactory furnace a short distance away (use the picture at the beginning of this tutorial as a guide)
     841. Place a corner pipe on-top of the thermal accelerator, use the pipe wrench to rotate it as necessary by '''right-clicking''' with the wrench on the pipe
     851. Place straight pipes to finish connecting the refractory furnace