Development Updates have been moved to the bottom of this page
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9.13.32 - Orange 
- Fixed some Olivine regressions concerning the box morph, map operator, and accessing properties
- Tzevee' has new offers
- When mobs attack your shields (either from the ring or the staff) your pets will come to your aid!
- Introduced Olivine support for extended attribute modifiers including intelligence
9.13.28 - Orange
- Minor galactic radio station performance maintenance
- Fixed not randomizing stone type when turning water to stone via lava
- Doubled the effect of mana potions and magical smoothies
- Fixed server crash related to broken Olivine scripts since adding support for effects
- Improved check for preventing mob spawning inside cramped redstone machines
- Olivine support for casting burning fire on living beings or spawning them with burning
- Fixed XP attribute breaking Olivine script compilation
- Speed bonus for light-armored (or bare) players
- Cloth and leather armor can be worn with shield ring now
- Fixed client/server crash caused by shield ring trying to defend zero damage
- Path-finding performance improvements
- Shielded redstone plugs may be placed both directions (upward or downward)
9.13.13 - Orange
- Improved network performance slightly
- Fixed gifts magically disappearing from beneath trees
- New special drops from gifts "unpacked" indoors from beneath a tree
- Gifts can be picked-up (right-click) and replaced elsewhere
- Various gift-related fixes
- Balrog's are far more dangerous now
- Added new travel-related paintings
- Villagers should no longer conglomerate at fence gates
- Fixed a critical bug with merchants that prevented some trades with multiple offer slots from working
- Santa only spawns outdoors now (instead of next to your Nether portal or in your horse stables)
- Fixed disappearing / infrequent moles due to data corruption
- Shield ring will now function with non-armor clothing such as diving equipment
- Horses can charge now and ram enemies and opponents sending them flying like dominos
9.13.2 - Orange
- Nerfed shield ring, it was a bit over-powered
- Fixed missing green shock FX on disenchanted arrows
- Disenchantment is now cheaper to cast
- Beam staff can now be enchanted with disenchantment
- Improved orb collision detection preventing orbs from erroneously passing through targets
- Improved server date/time clock accuracy
- Worn armor (+backpacks) now affects run speed according to the weight of the armor material
- Santa will drop gifts from the sky during the winter season while it snows
- Fixed an occasional client crash caused by Twilight Forest mod attempting to render incorrect grass colours
- Fixed the bowl ingredient quantities for some bowl-based meal recipes
9.12.17 - Orange
- Filligree ring recipe involving DIY adhesive would result in an extra empty glass bottle, fixed!
- Introduce a new shield ring for countering melee damage (works only if all other body armor is unequipped)
- Player jewelry and backpacks should now render properly from the third-party perspective
- Run-speed hunger penalty tweaked
- Aspenite barb growth and drop rates tweaked
- Zombies could potentially appear at random in areas with light level of 9 or below due to inconsistent spawning rules for zombie spawn reinforcements, this has been fixed
- Thunder and lightning volume reduced so you don't develop hearing problems
- Villagers now accept (pristine) diamond and darksteel armor, weapons and tools
- Fixed "ghost" radio tuning crystals in dungeon chests
- Introduced pre-release Paintings mod
9.12.4 - Orange
- Introducing rose gold and decorative blocks
- Nether portal mob spawning (in overworld) rate drastically reduced
- Axes can be enchanted with looting now
- Olivine script blocks can be crafted, harvested, and used by everyone now
- Compasses are crafted from iron nuggets instead of ingots now
- Filled maps (not just empty ones) can now be placed inside bookshelves
- Fixed server time synchronization issues (manifests in the begin/end of holiday seasons and Olivine Script Manager)
- Reduced drop-rate of tolbachite ore from wurtzite
- Olivine scripts can be configured for certain roles allowing some scripts to be exclusive to admin and operators while permitting users to run other scripts configured for user or anonymous role
- Mushroom & steak dinner includes as potential ingredients meats from Lots 'o Mobs mod now
- Buttons used to depress randomly, which would create chaotic timing problems for doors, no longer the case!
9.11.20 - Orange
- Reduced spawn frequency and drop-rate of aspenite barbs as they were still much too plentiful
- Fixed missing XP on smelting zinc from wurtzite
- Cooking cauldron wasn't properly rewarding players with XP, fixed!
- Mob and entity spawn limits tuned, especially with respect to animals
- Reduced spawn rate of ghosts during Halloween
- Minor Olivine fix to ensure proper clean-up of scripts that require it (i.e. "on exit" clauses)
- Fairy Lights mod light variants / trinkets call for brass instead of iron now (iron still used for the strings)
- Fairy Lights mod pumpkin lanterns can be crafted now
- Tweaked spawning and AI rules for some Nightmare Creatures mobs
- Population Arbiter now supports JMX for monitoring entity spawning performance
9.11.10 - Orange
- Completely overhauled behaviour of Population Arbiter mod to favour spawning fairness
- Addressed spawn starvation with Ocelots, ambient and water creatures, fixes imbalances during multi-player play
- Lots 'o Mobs gorillas and bears were preventing Ocelots from spawning naturally in jungles by occupying available spawn slots
- Addressed resource starvation issue in spawning animals in new chunks when players in other chunks occupy too many spawn slots
- "/countMobs", "/whereis" and "/killoff" commands migrated to the Population Arbiter mod
- "/countMobs" command renamed to just "/count"
- Overhauled the "/countMobs", "/whereis" and "/killoff" commands, see usage for details
- Ghosts are a little more dangerous
- Grim reapers (Halloween Monsters) are much more dangerous
- Halloween Monsters now spawn in specific biomes (instead of just everywhere)
- Fixed client crash during Halloween season
- Capacitors were not sending strong power to adjacent solid blocks
- Olivine can now cast potion effects on players and mobs
9.10.20 - Orange
- Skolls and Elgurs no longer drop so much valuable loot (i.e. redstone and diamonds)
- Some recipes now take top-grain leather in lieu of regular leather
- Some iron and bauxite pipe components (e.g. valves) would burn up in steam, fixed!
- Merchants buy/sell magma cream now
- Boosted value of slime balls to merchants
- Grapes can be used to make purple dye
- Skeletons no longer spawn just anywhere, they are restricted to spawning nearby rocks and forests
- Introduced golden-speckled grapes to make brewing healing potions possible again
- Roofed Forest is now renamed to Creeper Forest as this moniker makes more sense
- Fixed crash resulting from loading certain save games (and leashed entities)
- Fixed bug with amulets in randomly generated chests disappearing from player inventory after looting them
- Heavy and light weighted pressure plates can now be smelted and metals reclaimed
- Relaxed refresh times on villager trades
- Fixed a bug with villager trade refreshes
9.10.7 - Orange
- Witchery modded tree saplings can be placed in clay pots now
- Ghasts spawn one 20th as often at nether portals in the overworld (it is otherwise very noisy and annoyingly frequent)
- Mobs that spawn at nether portals in the overworld obey all the default spawn restrictions
- Nether portals can be constructed up to two blocks shallower than before
- Introducing new Light Saber texture pack by HULK JUMPER
- Fixed bug with horses and other mounted animals being immobile on Archimedes ship crates and elevator lift platforms
- Flower pots can be placed on top of glass, walls, and other blocks that support torches on-top
9.10.5 - Orange
- Builders are not careless idiots, so when you mine/harvest a block it will be slightly attracted to you instead of getting tossed in some random and mindless direction
- Improved efficiency of hardened clay micro-block dye recipes
- Introduced regular hardened clay micro-blocks (as opposed to stained-clay microblocks)
- Introduced red and yellow (smooth) sandstone walls
- Introduced red and yellow standstone micro-blocks
- Improved yellow and red sandstone recipes for stairs and slabs
- Introduced slag glass lanterns
9.9.22 - Orange
- Butchers buy/sell calcium carbonate and borax now
- Twilight Forest thorn roses can be placed in flower pots now
- Corrected the max health limit of wolves upon feeding
- Villagers and other mobs should no longer crowd around iron doors
- Villagers would avoid going up or down stairs (but would hang around the base of them) because they thought they were dangerous cliffs
- Blacksmith villager trades got a friendly update
- Fixed broken nether portal generation (would create a bunch of broken portals and dump the player somewhere random)
- Made mobs being hauled by via leads a bit more compliant to their haulers' most up-to-date position
- Fixed regression of lightning swords not shocking mobs in the water (broken since the introduction of the beam staff)
- Potions, paper, and jewelry can now be stored inside bookshelves
- Introduced shielded redstone plugs, they absorb and emit redstone power to/from the block directly below them
- Vertical shielded redstone torches were consuming redstone from above, this behaviour was not intentional and has been removed
9.9.12 - Orange
- Fixed a server crash sometimes caused by casting splash-inebriation potions on boss mobs
- Orb staff orbs will split even if there is only one other target
- Blacksmiths now purchase saddles from players
- Fixed regression of seeds not automatically planting themselves
- Server crash fixed caused by sporadic path-finding requests from broken Vanilla code
- It was possible to extinguish fires with left-click regardless of SIACA authorization
- Fruit was not spreading over leaves that were collected with shears
- Mobs that attack other mobs should persistently target and attack their targets instead of pausing after initial melee contact
- Fenced mobs (e.g. in animal pens) should no longer bunch-up in a single corner of the pen, but spread out more evenly
- Speckled melon recipe was a bit too expensive, now it is crafted from a single golden nugget (instead of 8)
- Metallic Golems now enjoy loads of knockback resistance
- Galactic Radio Tuner now rotates properly on Archimedes' ships
- Tzevee's Rotten Flesh game now rewards players with varying amounts of XP (depending on how hard they work)
- Olivine can now give/take XP, intelligence, agility, constitution, and/or strength to/from players/mobs
9.9.6 - Orange
- Mobs no longer persistently try to path to a destination that is unreachable, they will now give-up completely after 16 seconds of no progress
- Fixed fenced mobs escaping their fences, relaxed the conditions for specifying the bounding box as well
- XP orbs can be spawned in Olivine with an XP value determined by the level attribute
- Fixed client crash due to editing Olivine scripts in tandem with configured Olivine controller blocks
- XP saturation executioners only trigger from Bottle 'o Enchanting XP orbs now
- Fixed Olivine spawned mobs only dropping one item of custom drop stacks configured for multiple
- Olivine language syntax change
- Olivine can spawn boss mobs now, and Dorkus Maximus now has a boss bar
- Olivine enhancements for potion throwing
- Various Olivine bug fixes
- Groundwork is laid for the Baba Yaga boss, stay tuned for release updates!
We now host a public server on our site, though there are no rules for this server white-list access is still required, please submit a ticket with your Minecraft nickname to gain access. This server should be in your servers list now, but in-case it's not the information is below
Public Server Host:
Be sure to checkout the latest and bleeding edge developments in Vonkepps' desert prototyping area in the desert due east of Vonkepps' crappy little shack on the beta server.
Visit the nether and see updates there using the portal just north of Vonkepps' crappy shack.
Change Log
Since version: 9.13.32-Orange