Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#12 Twilight Forest High client-side Latency new defect blocker Mod Compatibility
#80 Deploy KeyCloak Infrastructure accepted task critical Infrastructure 9.1.x-Orange
#95 Path-finding is suffering regressions accepted defect critical Entity Sub-system 9.11.x-Orange
#47 Span only supports integral types new enhancement major Olivine
#58 Villager Economy System accepted enhancement major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#91 Mobs and players get kicked off of boats new defect major Mod Compatibility 9.9.x-Orange
#93 Delete corrupted entities from chunks new defect major Entity Sub-system 9.11.x-Orange
#1 The Night Reborn new task minor Entity Sub-system
#40 Galactic Radio Aborts Playback new defect minor Blocks and Items
#81 Export Economy System Data to External Configuration YAML new task minor Blocks and Items 9.2.x-Orange
#83 Make "/permissions" available to ALL new defect minor SIACA 9.5.x-Orange
#90 Solar-powered Steam Engine new enhancement minor Blocks and Items 9.9.x-Orange
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.