Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#81 new task

Export Economy System Data to External Configuration YAML

Reported by: Mad Martian Owned by: Mad Martian
Priority: minor Component: Blocks and Items
Version: 9.2.x-Orange Keywords:
Cc: Kevin Chapman


The economy system employs a wide variety of data-centric configurations of the following nature:

  • Defining absolute values of currency-like items such as metallic ingots, gems and coins
  • Specifying valid exchange trade items
  • Defining relative values of all goods and items
  • Configuring available trades according to villager profession
  • Defining some trades as commutative, buy-only or sell-only

All of the above should be configurable via a configuration file. The most sensible option is to use the YAML file-format (Minecraft Forge's configuration file format is much too simple).

The existing configuration can remain as is as a default setting if the configuration file is not present or is missing configuration data-points.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Kevin I'd like you to chime-in and express any concerns you have with this ticket in-light of integrating this with your supply/demand economy system features.

comment:2 by Kevin Chapman, 5 years ago

I love the idea of putting it into a separate file and felt from the beginning that would be the way to do it.

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