Custom Query (84 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 84)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 invalid White-list Access Request jonathan anonymous

Please enter your Minecraft handle here

#2 fixed Walking Nest is Too Hard jonathan jonathan

The Walking Nest mob in the Nightmare Creatures mod is like a mini-boss and shouldn't really exist early game. The same goes for every other sort of mob that is very challenging and should not exist early game.

Think about altering the spawning conditions for these mobs so that they (almost) never spawn near newbie players (only near players advanced in the tech tree).

#3 fixed New Path-Finding Sub-system jonathan jonathan

The built-in Vanilla path-finding algorithm is not optimized (at all) and makes the game almost unplayable when more than one player is logged-on a server at a time. This is because some mobs (Nightmare Creatures mobs in-particular) make very deep path-finding requests and these requests are issued once per tick, which is very inefficient (and unnecessary).

This will likely inspire a new companion mod that solely improves the built-in path-finding.

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