Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#68 closed task (fixed)

Pizza as a Craftable Food Item

Reported by: Tanya Shearon Owned by: Kevin Chapman
Priority: major Component: Blocks and Items
Version: 9.0.x-Orange Keywords:


Kevin please design us some pizza :)

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Yes Kevin, please design us some pizza :)

comment:2 by Kevin Chapman, 5 years ago

I am looking to make more than one for this.

So far I have:
Cheese: Contains Cheese, Tomato, Garlic and Onion.
Meet: All from Cheese and Steak, Mutton and

I also need to make a Cheese. I am thinking of requiring using the quern to mix the milk into cheese, but open to better suggestions. This could be tricky as I would need the quern to spit out the empty bucket once it becomes cheese. Or maybe mix the milk with red mushrooms to provide the enzymes to make it ferment. hen have it become cheese over time. Perhaps the bucket would need to be placed on the ground and after while it would transform into the correct block of cheese.

Please add your 2 cents.

comment:3 by Tanya Shearon, 5 years ago

I like the fermentation idea, cheese can be placed in a kind of chest with a timer on it maybe and then it spits out the type of cheese depending on the duration it has been in there.

chicken is the other white meat in this case.

what about tomato sauce, I think maybe we can use the quern for that?

olives might be something we are missing

comment:4 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

How is cheese normally made in real life? Quern might be suitable but I don't know enough about the actual process to comment on that.

It would be better to reuse the machines we have rather than introduce a new machine for just one recipe. We can introduce a new machine if we think it will be used for more than one recipe though.

Kevin if you have started work on this then make sure you modify the ticket fro New to Accepted state (see below, expand Modify Ticket).

Last edited 5 years ago by Mad Martian (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by Kevin Chapman, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from Kevin to Kevin Chapman
Status: newaccepted

comment:6 by Kevin Chapman, 5 years ago

It is fermented and left in a dark place for a while. I was thinking we did not need to re-invent the wheel on this. Just treat it like a plant or more perniciously like a mushroom. You place the bucket in a dark place as a block and over time it "Grows" into cheese. You harvest it just like a plant and it drops the bucket and some cheese.

comment:7 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

That could be do-able, bucket as a block.

comment:8 by Tanya Shearon, 5 years ago

If we wanted to make butter I think the quern would be great for that.

comment:9 by Kevin Chapman, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

This will be in the next version 9.1.12

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