Custom Query (83 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#27 The Royal Castle is Laggy Mad Martian enhancement blocker Blocks and Items
#28 CraftGuide recipes are missing Mad Martian defect blocker Blocks and Items
#31 Run-away Mob Spawns when Server Unused Mad Martian defect blocker Entity Sub-system
#41 Horse Breeding Mad Martian defect blocker Entity Sub-system
#44 Non-iron buckets do not work on cooking cauldron Mad Martian defect blocker Blocks and Items
#48 "stone" is missing from the list of available blocks in Olivine parameters view Mad Martian defect blocker Olivine
#51 Cannot compare `fixture` to `fix` Mad Martian defect blocker Olivine 8.10.9-Blackberry
#62 Olivine intrudes role attributes pop-up Mad Martian defect blocker Combat 9.0.x-Orange
#73 No villagers Mad Martian defect blocker Entity Sub-system 9.0.x-Orange
#3 New Path-Finding Sub-system Mad Martian enhancement critical Entity Sub-system
#6 Gradle Repository Mirror Mad Martian task critical Infrastructure
#10 Arrows and Orbs Hit Horse of Rider Mad Martian defect critical Combat
#13 Priority Path-finding Mad Martian enhancement critical Entity Sub-system
#22 Mobs still not pathing through open fence gates Mad Martian defect critical Entity Sub-system
#26 Centipedes should not spawn inside enclosed crops Mad Martian defect critical Mod Compatibility
#29 Alloying kiln produces infinite brass Mad Martian defect critical Blocks and Items
#39 Wolf teleport kills them Mad Martian defect critical Entity Sub-system 9.0.x-Orange
#43 Mobs breakdance forever on non-solids Mad Martian defect critical Entity Sub-system
#50 Required Olivine parameters Mad Martian enhancement critical Olivine 8.10.9-Blackberry
#53 Assigning a level to a mob causes script to crash Mad Martian defect critical Olivine 9.0.x-Orange
#66 Tech-level detection needs tweaking Mad Martian enhancement critical Combat 9.0.x-Orange
#71 Natural blocks harmful to players and mobs should not harm animals Mad Martian defect critical Entity Sub-system 9.0.x-Orange
#72 Low-tier Magic Weapon Mad Martian enhancement critical Combat 9.0.x-Orange
#86 Sheep are dying... Mad Martian defect critical Entity Sub-system 9.6.x-Orange
#87 Support Microsoft Login Mad Martian enhancement critical Launcher 7.0.x-Launcher
#2 Walking Nest is Too Hard Mad Martian enhancement major Entity Sub-system
#4 Falling Logs Bounce Too Much Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items
#5 Material-based Buckets Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items
#9 Orb staff orbs attack friendly players inadvertently Mad Martian defect major Combat
#11 Make Horses Tougher Mad Martian defect major Combat
#14 Mayor's Cap for IndianWells Mad Martian task major Blocks and Items
#15 Too many Koguls Mad Martian defect major Entity Sub-system
#18 Mobs don't path properly over slabs Mad Martian defect major Entity Sub-system
#21 Driders should not spawn in daylight above ground Mad Martian defect major Mod Compatibility
#24 Hopper to Chest Stacking Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items
#33 Introduce Mineable Marble Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items
#34 Marshal Hydrazine for Minestom Mad Martian task major Entity Sub-system
#36 Apple pie is over-powered Mad Martian enhancement major Status Effects
#37 Sandstone changes (red sandstone and crafting from CACO3) Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items
#38 Quicksand pools get filled too often Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items
#42 Standing on open coffin is kicking me off the server Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items
#49 Percentage type should accept rational values (not just integer) Mad Martian defect major Olivine
#52 Resync Server Configuraiton Mad Martian task major Infrastructure 9.0.x-Orange
#54 SIACA time sychrnonization issues Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#55 need to add Alder and Hawthorn saplings Mad Martian defect major Olivine
#57 Tongue of Dog still not in Olivine Mad Martian defect major Olivine 9.0.x-Orange
#59 / , ` and maybe space Mad Martian defect major Olivine 9.0.x-Orange
#60 No potion of Invisibility Mad Martian defect major Olivine 9.0.x-Orange
#61 Lantern visual glitch Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#65 Making Latkes Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#68 Pizza as a Craftable Food Item Kevin Chapman task major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#69 Lava should not destroy everything Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#75 Prohibit Nether Portals Above Ground Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items 9.1.x-Orange
#76 Jungle Trees Prohibited Outside of Jungle Mad Martian enhancement major Blocks and Items 9.1.x-Orange
#78 Chickens keep pathing into chests and getting permamently stuck Mad Martian defect major Entity Sub-system 9.1.x-Orange
#79 Slag Glass Kevin Chapman enhancement major Blocks and Items 9.1.x-Orange
#82 Leashed Entities Don't Follow Properly Mad Martian defect major Entity Sub-system 9.4.x-Orange
#84 Emerald ring gives too much speed Mad Martian defect major Blocks and Items 9.5.x-Orange
#89 Boss Mode for Olivine-controlled Mobs Mad Martian enhancement major Olivine 9.9.x-Orange
#96 White-list Access Request Mad Martian authorization major Public Server 9.13.x-Orange
#97 White-list Access Request Mad Martian authorization major Public Server 9.13.x-Orange
#7 Mobs try to path through windows Mad Martian defect minor Entity Sub-system
#8 Mobs congregate at fence gates Mad Martian defect minor Entity Sub-system
#16 Plants Vs Moles Mad Martian defect minor Mod Compatibility
#19 Glass and Mobs Mad Martian task minor Blocks and Items
#20 gate on road to trading port Mad Martian defect minor J+K Lands Server
#23 Bottle leaving Brewing Stand to go into hopper Mad Martian defect minor Blocks and Items
#25 No recipe for Distilled Aspenite in Craft Guide Mad Martian defect minor Blocks and Items
#30 Mumble chat Mad Martian task minor J+K Lands Server
#32 Sandstone crafted from Hydraulic Press Mad Martian enhancement minor Blocks and Items
#35 Horses are too slow Mad Martian enhancement minor Entity Sub-system
#46 Lava is not flowing from pipes Mad Martian defect minor Blocks and Items 9.7.x-Orange
#56 Reset the Nether Mad Martian task minor J+K Lands Server 9.0.x-Orange
#63 SIACA Concurrent Modification Exception Mad Martian defect minor SIACA 9.0.x-Orange
#64 Valued Gift for Tombstones Kevin Chapman enhancement minor Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#67 Netherbrick WALL deconstruction recipe Mad Martian defect minor Blocks and Items 9.0.x-Orange
#70 Sharks, Pirhannas, and Anglers should attack mobs Mad Martian enhancement minor Entity Sub-system 9.4.x-Orange
#74 Disenchantment Arrows should take mana Mad Martian enhancement minor Combat 9.0.x-Orange
#77 Mushroom Growth Rate Dependent Upon Lighting Level Mad Martian enhancement minor Blocks and Items 9.1.x-Orange
#92 Missing Oak Slabs for Spinning Wheel Lots of Mobs Mad Martian defect minor Blocks and Items 9.9.x-Orange
#17 Brewing Stand vs Hopper Mad Martian defect trivial Blocks and Items
#45 Olivine should infer item type from constants Mad Martian defect trivial Olivine
#88 Witch Arena Quest Kevin Chapman task trivial Combat 9.9.x-Orange
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