Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of olivine/dsl/qualref

02/18/21 10:01:10 (4 years ago)
Mad Martian

How to identify potions


  • olivine/dsl/qualref

    v1 v2  
    66 * Sound effects
    8 A qualified reference is comprised of two parts, the resource group name and the sub-name.  The syntax takes one of the two forms: `&group:name` or `&name` where ''group'' is the resource group name and ''name'' is the name of the thing in that resource group.  As you may notice, the second form doesn't specify the group, that is because it is optional.  If the thing is descriptive enough as is then Olivine will find it, however, if there is more than one thing loaded with the same name in that thing category (fixture, item, entity, sfx), but it exist in separate resource groups, then you would use the first syntax approach to be more definitive, more specific and mitigate ambiguity.  Olivine will tell you when it cannot figure-out what you're trying to reference.
     8A qualified reference is comprised of two parts, the ''resource group name'' and the ''sub-name''.  The syntax takes one of the two forms: `&group:name` or `&name` where ''group'' is the resource group name and ''name'' is the name of the thing in that resource group.  As you may notice, the second form doesn't specify the group, that is because it is optional.  If the thing is descriptive enough as is then Olivine will find it, however, if there is more than one thing loaded with the same name in that thing category (fixture, item, entity, sfx), but it exist in separate resource groups, then you would use the first syntax approach to be more definitive, more specific and mitigate ambiguity.  Olivine will tell you when it cannot figure-out what you're trying to reference.
    1010== Spaces ==
    4747   &minecraft:sapling\`dark oak`
     50= Potion Identification =
     51Referencing potions in Olivine works very differently from other items in Minecraft due to the fact that potions are very weird in Minecraft as it is:
     52* Unlike items, blocks and entities, potions cannot be organized according to the mod they came from
     53* All potions are bound to the same item id, the meta-data is used to identify the potion type and variety
     54* A single potion type can have several different variety combinations called ''states''
     56Referencing a potion starts by using `potion` as the resource group name, the name of the potion as the top-level category, and the complete state of the potion as the second category (unless plain).
     58== States
     59Potions can have a few different ''states'' as indicated below:
     60* plain
     61* intense
     62* splash
     63* long
     64* intense + long
     65* splash + long
     66+ intense + splash
     68To identify potion combinations the qualified name works a little differently from others.  Refer to the table below to identify the potion states in a qualified reference for a potion:
     70||= Name =||= Ingredient =||= Denotation =||
     72||'''Intensity'''||''glowstone dust''||`2`||
     73||'''Duration'''||''redstone dust''||`b`||
     75== Examples ==
     77Here's a basic healing potion:
     80   &potion:healing
     83Here's a splash healing potion with extra duration:
     86   &potion:healing\bx
     89Here's an intense healing potion with extra duration:
     92   &potion:healing\2b
     95Here's an intense splash rust potion:
     98   &potion:rust\2x
     102Here's just a regular splash breathing potion:
     105   &potion:breathing\x