
Version 1 (modified by Mad Martian, 5 years ago) ( diff )

Page introduction

Qualified References

Or, how stuff is named and referred to (referenced) by Olivine scripts. This is a core feature of the Olivine domain-specific language, it is used for identifying the following things:

  • Fixtures (blocks)
  • Items
  • Entities
  • Sound effects

A qualified reference is comprised of two parts, the resource group name and the sub-name. The syntax takes one of the two forms: &group:name or &name where group is the resource group name and name is the name of the thing in that resource group. As you may notice, the second form doesn't specify the group, that is because it is optional. If the thing is descriptive enough as is then Olivine will find it, however, if there is more than one thing loaded with the same name in that thing category (fixture, item, entity, sfx), but it exist in separate resource groups, then you would use the first syntax approach to be more definitive, more specific and mitigate ambiguity. Olivine will tell you when it cannot figure-out what you're trying to reference.


If a qualified reference name part contains spaces, then wrap it backticks ` so that it's clear to Olivine what you are trying to express, the general syntax is: `some name with spaces`


Here is a simple example that expresses an item by name without a resource group, this will cause Olivine to go looking for it in all loaded resource groups:


Suppose there is another resource group that the stone item but you want the Minecraft one, here's how you express that:


Referencing something with spaces in its name and has a resource group:

   &mmm:`my cool thing`

Categorized sub-items

Sometimes, even though we have the concept of resource groups, it is still pretty awesome to organize items into sub-item categories especially if there are a number of items that are pretty similar, such as tree saplings. This is a part of the name part of the qualified reference and there is no limit to the number of categories and sub-categories used, but it is predetermined by the Olivine system. This is also configurable using the Olivine configuration file. The backslash '\' character (not to be confused with forward slashes '/') in the name part of the qualified reference is how these categories are expressed, the general syntax takes the form of category\sub-category\name.


Here's how you would express some really awesome music in Minecraft:


Here would be the way to express a sapling qualified reference:

   &minecraft:sapling\`dark oak`
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