
Version 8 (modified by Mad Martian, 4 years ago) ( diff )

Some link descriptions

NOTE: It's recommended to go through these in order for the best experience.

General Tutorials

  1. How to make a Quern / Millstone - Necessary for making essentials such as wheat or bone meal
  2. Make a Cooking Cauldron - Cook food faster using this handy tool

Steam Engine Series

These are a set of tutorials to help you get started with the steam engine, start with the first tutorial and go through them in order:

  1. Refractory Furnace - Smelting metals using a lava-powered furnace
  2. Auto-hydrating Cooking Cauldron - Keep a Cooking Cauldron filled running copper piping from a remote water source

Other Resources

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.