Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#39 closed defect (fixed)

Wolf teleport kills them

Reported by: Mad Martian Owned by: Mad Martian
Priority: critical Component: Entity Sub-system
Version: 9.0.x-Orange Keywords:


Wolves die too often from teleporting to the player's location, they either teleport into (or too close to) lava, fire, or blocks that are dangerously lofty resulting in death from falling damage.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Status: newaccepted

This is so absurd I have now just witnessed the game engine intentionally teleport dogs directly into lava (all of them, not just one dog, the whole troop).

Talk about an ultimate fail of an algorithm that is supposed to find a safe place to teleport them to, instead it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

Flower Child was truly prescient to name his mod Better Than Wolves, I am simply awestruck and at a complete loss for words at how bad this algorithm is.

comment:2 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Version: 9.0.x-Orange

comment:3 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

Fixed in 9.1.26-Orange

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