Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#72 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Low-tier Magic Weapon

Reported by: Mad Martian Owned by: Mad Martian
Priority: critical Component: Combat
Version: 9.0.x-Orange Keywords:
Cc: Tanya Shearon, Kevin Chapman


There needs to be a reason to use your mana during early game. We're still in the throes of early game on the public server, but this is going to end quickly after Kevin finishes building his forge.

So we need to introduce a magical weapon like this fast and it should be simple and kind of weak so that it doesn't make other early-game equipment irrelevant.


Change History (5)

comment:1 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by Tanya Shearon, 5 years ago

I thought about maybe having a kind of magic ring, for early game mana use. I don't know the details exactly, but I noticed most early games tend to have like a ring that lights up the area the player is in or maybe can do something like a small version of the orb staff. Just some ideas.

comment:3 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

That's actually what I'm modding in right now, a +Intelligence and a +Health ring. Unlike amulets these will be craftable.

By the way, this ticket was delivered in 9.1.3-Orange, but I'm going to keep it open for additional feedback as these items are still in draft state and probably need some tweaking.

comment:4 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Rings introduced in 9.1.4-Orange

comment:5 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: acceptedclosed
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