Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#88 closed task (fixed)

Witch Arena Quest

Reported by: kevin Owned by: kevin
Priority: trivial Component: Combat
Version: 9.9.x-Orange Keywords:

Description (last modified by jonathan)


Progress on this can be followed in our very-own Olivine Git repository accessible either through Trac browse source or directly through these links.
NOTE: These changes are not stored on the master branch, they are on the boss/baba-yaga branch. Feel free to commit any changes here while this ticket is open. When the ticket is closed this branch will be deleted after merge to master.


Baba Yaga (Life-cycle Manager)
Baba Yaga (AI Controller)

Kevin's Plan

  1. Stage Start: Player action: Fills chest with witches’ hands.
    1. Hands disappear
      1. Chest: -805, 72, 349
    2. Epic Arena noise sounds (No idea what this should be)
    3. Force field door shows up locking the arena
      1. TwilightForest:forcefield\orange
      2. First door:
        1. -793.5, 75.5, 371.5
        2. -791.5, 72.5, 371.5
      3. Second door:
        1. -791.5, 76.5, 363.5
        2. -793.5, 72.5, 363.5
    4. Game time goes to just after sunset (Need for the normal witch spawner to work and give ambience, also lets everyone outside elsewhere in the world know something is up)
    5. Baba yaga mob boss spawns
      1. Spawn location x:792 y:73 z:349
  2. Baba Yaga: Uses skin from Witchery mod (No other items, just the skin)
    1. Mob can fly but is bounding box stuck in binding box of arena.
      1. Can use same area as Domain “witchspanwer”
        1. -813, 45, 327
        2. -767, 95, 377
    2. Tosses at player 3 at potions at a time. Harming, Poison and Rust.
    3. The mob called “bowman” in olivne spawn in the upper area randomly every few min and will wonder around including down to the center of the area.
    4. Mob Drops:
      1. One tower key
        1. TwilightForest:item.towerKey
      2. One Quest item:
        1. quest:cursed_amulet_of_rust *I will send you texture*
          1. This can be an inert item, but if you are feeling fun you can make it so it causes rust damage to the person wearing it/holding it.
      3. 3-5 Splash Rust
        1. potion:rust\2x
      4. 5 to 10 Gold coins
        1. mmm:gold_coin
      5. 1 to 10 Avenger tokens
        1. mmm:avenger_token
      6. 50% change of 1 Ring (Any type)
        1. mmm:lapis_ring
        2. mmm:ruby_ring
        3. mmm:emerald_ring
  3. Villager:
    1. To be made later. 3 custom NPC villagers with triads
  4. End Script:
    1. End conditions:
      1. Total fight time 15 min (Then all custom mobs despawn)
      2. OR If all human players are dead in the arena.
      3. Or it becomes day (Ex. Player logs out and comes back later when it is day)
    2. All custom mobs despawn
      1. Including the NPC villagers.
    3. Main Gate opens.
  5. Extra script action:
    1. After player leaves the arena area: The Internal door made of disappearing blocks and one key block re-appears if it was removed will re-spawn.
      1. Condition:
        1. If any other player is still in the area it will not close the door until they leave to prevent payers from getting stuck.
      2. TwilightForest:device\tower\vanishing
        1. -793.5, 75.5, 335.5
        2. -791.5, 72.5, 335.5
      3. TwilightForest:device\tower\vanishing\locked
        1. -792.5, 73.5, 335.5
    2. AND The two other inside walls made of Thorns will also re-spawn at the same time
      1. TwilightForest:foliage\thorns\brown
      2. First Side:
        1. -808.5, 77.5, 349.5
        2. -812, 725.5, 349.5
      3. Second Side:
        1. -772.5, 77.5, 349.5
        2. -776.5, 72.5, 349.5
    3. Three Villagers in the back de-spawn
      1. They will be made later.
  6. Other Notes:
  7. One of the villagers in the back will have an item for the next stage of the quest:
    1. I will make this later.

Attachments (2)

cursed_amulet_of_rust.png (1.7 KB) - added by kevin 3 years ago.
Cursed Amulet of Rust
brew-of-thorns.png (10.6 KB) - added by jonathan 3 years ago.
Brew of Thorns (potion)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

Changed 3 years ago by kevin

Cursed Amulet of Rust

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Status changed from new to accepted

Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

Brew of Thorns (potion)

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

I've discovered that the Witchery Baba Yaga boss does not in fact turn random blocks to sand, it's a potion that does it. This might be a problem that SIACA needs to address, because this would mean that a player could splash any SIACA-protected zone with Brew of Thorns potions to grief it.
Brew of Thorns (potion)

comment:3 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan


I've organized the changes I've made thus far according to three categories.

Outstanding Issues

  1. Epic arena sound is just a Ghast screaming in pain (for now)
  2. Game time does not change right now, daylight sensor is an alternative
  3. Baba Yaga is the real Witchery Baba Yaga boss right now This is done: I introduced a custom entity with the skin that disables her custom drops and her potion throwing attacks

Corrections Made

  • Force-field coordinates
  • Bounding box fence coordinates for Baba Yaga (and Bowmen)
  • Bowman has a 0.4% chance to drop a tower key
  • First side, thorns barrier coordinates


  1. Baba Yaga hovers up and down (flies)
  2. Harming, rust and poison are cast 150 milliseconds in succession for more flare and effect
  3. Tower key name designation changed to TwilightForest:key

Remaining Tasks

  1. Tower key door logic Done, handled in life-cycle script
  2. Inner thorns barriers logic Done, handled in life-cycle script
  3. 3 Villager life-cycle management Done with exceptions, handled in life-cycle script, but they are not setup yet
  4. Properly configure trades, attributes, and names of the three villagers


I think what remains doing are steps 3, 5, 6 and 7 in addition to anything still outstanding above.

Version 3, edited 3 years ago by jonathan (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:5 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Version changed from 9.5.x-Orange to 9.8.x-Orange

comment:6 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Version changed from 9.8.x-Orange to 9.9.x-Orange

comment:7 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Owner changed from jonathan to kevin
  • Status changed from accepted to assigned

When you make the villager trades make one of the trades give healing potions since Witchery removed the ability for players to brew their own healing potions.

comment:8 Changed 3 years ago by jonathan

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed
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