
Enchantment Definitions

An item is enchanted using a type and a level. See the table below for how to define this dictionary value:

Name Type Description
typeenchantmentOne of the enchantments supported by Olivine, click the link for a complete list
levelintegerThe enchantment level (e.g. 1 for 'I', 2 for 'II' etc.)

Supported Olivine Enchantments

These are the list of possible enchantments supported by Olivine

Olivine Identifier Vanilla ID Description
protection0Standard armor protection
feather_falling2Reduced damage from falling
blast_protection3Protection from explosions
projectile_protection4Projection from projectiles
respiration5Improved under-water (fluid) breathing
aqua6Use of tools underwater is improved
thorns7Opponents receive damage when attacking you
sharpness16Standard damage boost for weapons
smite17Extra damage toward undead mobs
soap18Extra damage toward spiders
knockback19Weapon enhancer for sending opponents flying back further
fire_aspect20Melee weapons inflict fire
looting21Loot drops from mobs improved
efficiency32Pickaxes dig faster
silk_touch33When mining, takes a block as is instead of the natural drop
unbreaking34Tools and armor incur damage slower
fortune35Improved drops from certain ores / gems
power48Arrows fired from bows deal more damage
punch49Arrows fired from bows deliver increased knockback
flame50Arrows fired from bows inflict fire on their targets
infinity51Infinite ammo for bows
disenchant52Arrows fired from bows deliver the disenchantment enchantment (drains mana, strips magic resistance)
sea_luck61Loot from fishing rods is improved
lure62Faster fishing


An example of a Bane of Arthopods (hurts spiders) level 2 item:

   type -> soap
   level -> 2

Aqua affinity:

   type -> aqua
   level -> 1
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 05/22/20 12:10:17
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