
Duration (time)

Visit core types for information on whole number.

The duration type is used for expressing intervals of time. It is a unary post-fix operator, which means you specify any value that resolves to a whole number and then follow it by the name of a time unit. The possible time units are:

  • milliseconds
  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days

Here are some self-explanatory examples:

5 days
4 minutes
2 milliseconds

One oddity with this syntax is that you must specify the plural form even for a value of 1 for example:

1 seconds
1 minutes
1 days
1 hours

Here is a more complex example involving an expression, this one expresses a duration of 6 hours:

(2 + 4) hours

Partial Durations

You can add durations together (like other arithmetic values) to express partial time durations, this one for example expresses 2 minutes and 35 seconds:

2 minutes + 35 seconds
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 05/22/20 10:41:50
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