Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#45 closed defect (fixed)

Olivine should infer item type from constants

Reported by: Mad Martian Owned by: Mad Martian
Priority: trivial Component: Olivine
Version: Keywords:


The following example doesn't work:

const $weapon = item &diamond_pickaxe with {
    name → "Magic Pickaxe"

    description →
        "I hit you with my pickaxe\n" ::
        "Only pickaxe I'll ever have fer me luv!"
    modifiers → {
        health → { operator → boost; amount → 5 }
        stability → { operator → boost; amount → 2.3 }
    enchantments → [
        { type → sharpness; level → 5 }
        { type → knockback; level → 2 }
        { type → unbreaking; level → 5 }

It works if you declare $weapon as an item

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Mad Martian, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in 8.10.6-Blackberry

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