
Potion Effect

Visit core types for information on primitive and core types such as whole number, or duration.

Name Type Description
typeeffect typeThe type of effect, click the link effect type for more possible values.
amplifierwhole numberThe standard potion amplifier, a value of 0 denotes no amplification, just normal potion effect strength, a value of 1 denotes potion name II amplification, etc.
durationdurationHow long the potion effect will run for
flagsspecial flagFlags to apply, currently the only supported value is ambient and it doesn't even do anything (yet), it looks like junk left behind by Vanilla Minecraft and it's just here for documentation purposes, but also may be introduced in the future.

effect type

Olivine Identifier Type (buff or debuff) Vanilla ID Description
speedbuff1Movement / run speed
slownessdebuff2Slowness, the inverted version of movement speed
hastebuff3Tool speed, i.e. digging
mining_fatiguedebuff4Mining fatique, the inverted variant of haste
strengthbuff5Total attack damage dealt
instant_healthbuff6Heals a fixed amount of hearts
instant_damagedebuff7Harming, the inverted variant of instant health (zombies love this one)
rabbitbuff8Jumping strength, how high you can jump
nauseadebuff9A very annoying effect that makes your screen swirl making it difficult to do anything
regenerationbuff10Periodically heal health over time
resistancebuff11Reduces the damage sustained from magic-based attacks
fire_resistancebuff12Makes the target more resistant to fire-based damage including fire and/or lava
water_breathingbuff13Makes the target able to breathe underwater for the entire duration of the effect
invisibilitybuff14Makes the target invisible so long as the target is not wearing any armor or holding anything
blindnessdebuff15Everything is black beyond two or so blocks away from the target
night_visionbuff16Ability to see in dark areas, does not affect mobs
hungerdebuff17A DoT (damage over time) for food and saturation, it has the opposite effect of eating normal food
weaknessdebuff18Weakness is the inverted variant of strength, reduces total attack damage dealt
poisondebuff19A DoT (damage over time) that periodically harms the target
witherdebuff20The wither effect is another weaker kind of DoT than the poison effect
health_boostbuff21Temporarily increase the target's maximum health
absorptionbuff22Similar to health boost, this adds a couple of yellow hearts that absorb damage
saturationbuff23Increases food saturation (I guess, I don't really know)
Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 05/22/20 10:33:56
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